Disease severity at diagnosis of OAG in Canada (Dr Yvonne Buys)

In this presentation, Dr Buys talks about the disease severity of open angle glaucoma at diagnosis time. Despite being a treatable condition, glaucoma is still a leading cause of blindness in Canada.

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Epidemiology of angle closure glaucoma (Mr Paul Foster, MB, PhD, FRCS)

For more information on this topic, please listen to the podcast episode that Dr Foster and I recorded for my Talking About Glaucoma series. The link will be updated once the podcast is edited; for now, check out all my episodes of ‘Talking About Glaucoma’ on iTunes.

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Epidemiology of Glaucoma in Canada, fact or fiction (Dr Delan Jinapriya)

Epidemiology of Glaucoma in Canada, fact or fiction (Dr Delan Jinapriya)

Dr Jinapriya starts his talk with some basics defining prevalence (total numbers in population) and incidence (new cases.) He points out that there are lots of prevalence studies from around the world but asks if we can extrapolate and apply to the Canadian population.

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Glaucoma epidemiology update 2010 (Dr M Cristina Leske)

This talk dealt with the current epidemiological data on primary open angle glaucoma (POAG) including descriptive, prevalence, and incidence data, as well as the analytics, the WHY, including risk factors for incidence and progression. 

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An update on old and new iris prosthesis (Dr Michael Synder)

An update on old and new iris prosthesis (Dr Michael Synder)
Dr Snyder begins his discussion with the Ophtec and Morcher diaphragm hard iris prosthesis and shows newer Morcher colored ones. Next he shows the Morcher Aniridia rings that have somewhat brittle fins and suggests staining the lens capsule after placed to check position and the Human Optics foldable iris implant.Read More

A practical approach to the use of corticosteroids in patients with uveitis (Dr Emmett Cunningham)

Opening remark that most uveitis management is classified as off label use (as the original studies when these drops went to mark did not involve case-controlled series’ comparing treatment of patients with uveitis to a control group.) He also mentioned that all the material in this talk will be appearing in an upcoming issue of the Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology.

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