Implemented lessons learned from Office Record Review into EMR templates and went live same day.

Implemented lessons learned from Office Record Review into EMR templates and went live same day.

The American Board of Ophthalmology introduced mandatory re-certification every 10 years the year I became a 'Board Certified' Ophthalmologist in 1995. The re-certification process is now spread out over 8 years and I just completed the first phase of my second 10-year re-certification process: the Office Record Review (ORR.) I had not remembered the specifics from the last time I had completed the exercise but remembered that I felt it was an educational exercise. Now with it once again completed, I still feel it is a rewarding experience.

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How best to access images in Electronic Medical Records?

I have been working as an advisor to the Physician Information Technology Office (PITO) on a committee of Ophthalmologists to provide input on what we need to see as mandated minimum requirements in Electronic Medical Record systems. This past week, our discussion focused on how best to access images.

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Province of BC EMR standards for Ophthalmologists - a start

write on the eve of a conference call on proposing Electronic Medical Record (EMR) standards for ophthalmology for the Province of BC. The PITO program was designed to induce physicians into adopting EMRs in the form of subsidizing physicians if they purchase systems from PITO approved vendors. What of early adopters such as myself? We get to be consultants but adopted too early to reap any financial rewards aside from paying us for consulting time. What will we accomplish?Read More

Transition to Electronic Medical Records: try gradual transition starting with fax server

Many ophthalmologists resist switching to an Electronic Medical Record (EMR) because they dread the much hyped slow-down in patient flow by 25-33%. First, we need to qualify this statistic and should discuss the difference between a sudden transition and a more gradual approach.Read More