0920 hrs: Ocular Oncology 2013 - Katherine Paton

Current Concepts, New Techniques, Clinical Challenges

Starts by reviewing ocular oncology services offered at UBC including a list of all the diseases and the following treatment technologies:

  • Brachytherapy
  • Proton therapy
  • External beam radiation
  • PDT
  • Thermotherapy
  • Iridocyclectomy/Eye wall resection

Gives a case example of a patient to show how brachytherapy can be very effective. 

Shows calculations of how much radiation gets delivered to the sclera and ultimately the choroidal tumor with the maximum dose. These are all custom made and can get into tight corners. 

For proton beam, must aim the treatment again at the tumor but in this case with the patient sitting upright.



​Proton beam eye therapy

​Proton beam eye therapy

AJCC TNM 7 Tumour classification introduced in the past few years in place of the COMS classification. 

Fundus auto fluorescence is interesting but not sure exactly what it tells us

OCT another recent technology being used. 

Unsolved challenges

  • Radiation retinopathy: vascular toxicity in innocent bystander tissue