Ep 11 Talking About Glaucoma - Mar 18, 2010 Schuman & Burgoyne Imaging (AAC Enhanced)

TAG episode 11 Schuman and Burgoyne Imaging
Joel Schuman, Paul Burgoyne & Rob Schertzer

In this episode, Drs Schuman, Burgoyne and I discuss optic nerve and nerve fiber layer iimaging in glaucoma. To clarify the different modalities, the Confocal Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscope (CSLO) has been popularized as the Heidelberg Engineering device, current version being the HRT 3; the Scanning Laser Polarimeter is the GDx machine, and; the original Optical Coherence Tomography unit and its next 2 generations were popularized by Zeiss and use Time Domain scanning whereas the latest technology uses Spectral Domain technology to achieve much higher resolution with the Spectralis OCT made by Heidelberg Engineering.

Dr. Schuman is at University of Pittsburgh Medical Centre and is an inventor of Time Domain Ocular Coherence Tomography. His research interests include imaging of the eye, laser-tissue interactions, aqueous outflow, and clinical pharmacology.

Joel S. Schuman, M.D. 

Professor and Chairman of Ophthalmology

Director of UPMC Eye Center

Professor of Bioengineering 

Eye & Ear Institute - Suite 816

203 Lothrop Street

Pittsburgh, PA 15213 

Phone: 412-647-2205 

Email: SchumanJS@upmc.edu 

Fax: 412-647-5119 

Dr. Burgoyne is at Devers Eye Institute in Portland, OR and has been making major advances in the use of Spectral Domain OCT looking at the structural detection of cellular function.

Claude F. Burgoyne, M.D.

Senior Scientist and Van Buskirk Chair for Ophthalmic Research Research Director, Optic Nerve Head Research Laboratory Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology Oregon Health and Sciences University

Devers Eye Institute Discoveries in Sight Research Laboratories 1225 NE 2nd Avenue Portland, OR 97208 - 3950 


e-mail: cfburgoyne@deverseye.org



This episode was recorded February 26, 2010 with Rob Schertzer using a Blue Snowball Mic on a MacPro running HiJack Pro with Joel and Claude connected over Skype from Pittsburgh and Portland. Levelator was used to compress the sound pressure level and the final editing was performed in March 2010 with Garage Band on a MacBook Pro. Editing was completed on 17Mar2010.


Selected references:

No specific journal articles are referenced in this episode. 

Robert M Schertzer, MD, MEd, FRCSC
Clinical Associate Professor
Dept of Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences
University of British Columbia

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