Ep 12 Talking About Glaucoma - 17Aug2010 Foster: ACG Epidemiology & Management (AAC Enhanced)

In this episode, Mr Foster and I discuss angle closure glaucoma focusing on epidemiology, mechanism and treatment (iridotomy and cataract extraction.)

Mr Paul Foster a consultant glaucoma specialist with a particular interest in angle-closure glaucoma. He runs the only specialist clinic for angle-closure glaucoma in Europe at Moorfields Eye Hospital. He has had extensive clinical and research training in glaucoma in London, Oxford and Singapore.

Mr Foster’s primary research interests concern the epidemiology (the distribution, risk factors and control) of glaucoma and myopia, with a special interest in the detection, prevention and treatment of angle-closure glaucoma. I am currently running several randomised clinical trials on management of angle-closure glaucoma. I am also collaborating with colleagues at Cambridge University and The Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital to run a study of eye disease in 10,000 people in East Anglia (The EPIC Norfolk Eye Study) which aims to give information about the impact of lifestyle, environment, diet and genetics on major age-related eye diseases in the UK.

Mr Foster’s contact information

This episode was recording in Quebec City on June 28, 2010 during the annual meeting of the Canadian Ophthalmological Society using the Blue Microphone Yeti on a MacBoook Pro computer.  Levelator was used to level the sound levels then the final mix was performed with Garage Band which also allowed embedding images in the AAC version.

Opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the speakers and are not intended to be taken as the standard of care for glaucoma treatment. Please always weigh the complete clinical picture and involve patients with any decisions in their care.

Selected references:

Text Books

Author(s): Garway-Heath, Foster, Hitchings, Title: Atlas of Clinical Ophthalmology, Chapter: Primary Gl, Year: 2004, Publisher: Elsevier-Mosby


Author(s): He MG, Friedman DS, Ge J, Huang W, Jin C, Lee PS, Khaw PT, Foster PJ, Title: Laser peripheral iridotomy in primary angle closur, Journal: Ophthalmology, Volume: 114, Year: 2007, PageNo: 494-500

Author(s): Yip JL, Machin D, Aung T, Khaw PT, Wong TY, Khaw KT, Seah SK, Foster PJ, Title: Socio-Economic Status and Intraocular Pressure: Th, Journal: British Journal of Ophthalmolology , Volume: 91, Year: 2007, PageNo: 56-61

Author(s): de Silva DJ, Gazzard G, Foster PJ, Title: Laser iridotomy in dark irides., Journal: British Journal of Ophthalmology, Volume: 91, Year: 2007, PageNo: 222-225

Robert M Schertzer, MD, MEd, FRCSC
Clinical Associate Professor
Dept of Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences
University of British Columbia

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